Info and prices

Terms Of Service

Headshot - $15 CAD

Extra Character - $10 CAD
Shading - $5 CAD

Full Character - $30 CAD

Extra Character - $25 CAD
Shading - $15 CAD

Animated GIF - $150 - $600 CAD

Price subject to change depending on how complex the entire piece is. Please contact for info.

Headshot - $15 CAD

I will draw your character from the shoulders up. I can also extend the piece to include the characters forelimbs and torso, but that will cost extra depending on what you want. See my terms of service to know what I will or won't draw. Please contact me if you have questions.

Full Character - $30 CAD

I will draw your character in any pose you'd like. Extra characters and shading complicate the piece, so they will cost extra. See my terms of service to know what I will or won't draw. Please contact me if you have questions.

Animated GIF - $150 - $600 CAD

Current example is not a good reference for my current skills. Will update as soon as possible.
Because the price point for this is so varied, I would need you to contact me in order to give you an accurate look at what you might be paying.
The reason this slot is so expensive is because it takes up so much of my time, and if I want to turn this piece in quickly, I would need to put everything else on hold. Please see my terms of service to know what I will or won't draw, and contact me directly if you would like to discuss an animation from me.